SMS Weekly Update
SMS Weekly Update
Old style micophone
SMS Weekly Update
Sky Valley Transportation Cooperative Facility GRAND OPENING 4/2/24 11 AM - 2 PM at 32901 Cascade View Drive, Sultan, WA 98294 FREE HOT DOGS!!
PUBLIC NOTICE:  SPECIAL MEETING: Board Retreat  Date:  Thursday, April 18, 20234  Time: 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm  Location:  Sultan School District Office 514 4th Street, Sultan, WA 98294  Purpose:  The purpose of the special meeting is to allow the Board of Directors and Superintendent Dan Chaplik to participate in a Board Retreat to focus on the district budget.
STEAM Fair May 2nd 4-6pm, May 4th 2-5pm
NJHS Breakfast Cereal Food Drive will be April 15th-19th. Bring unopened  boxes or bags of dry cereal, boxes of hot cereal like oatmeal or cream of wheat,. Bring to your first period class. Breakfast Party for top class!
SMS Weekly Update
Soaring Skyhawk Awards
SMS Weekly Update
Spirit Week: Monday: Green Day/Shrek Day. Tuesday: Floral/Hawaiian Day. Wednesday: Weather Day-dress for/or as your favorite weather. Thursday: The Great Outdoors. Friday: Class colors! 6th grade white, 7th grade light blue.  8th grade dark blue.
red arrow made of tape on concrete ground next to green and brown leaf
March Letter from Principal Chapple
February Important Dates: 2/19 President Day No School, 2/20 Non-student Day
Cupids Misfire Mixer on Feb. 16th from 3-5pm
Gavel on white table
No school January 29th. Staff In-service Day.
Photo by Ricardo Loaiza on Unsplash of sky with clouds that say Hello 2024!
Blue brick wall with white arrow pointing to right